Odprti klasi
Open classes
21.4. 2008 – od 14. 00 do 16.00/ from 14.00 to 16.00
22.4. 2008 – od 14. 00 do 16.00/ from 14.00 to 16.00
23.4. 2008 – od 14. 00 do 16.00/ from 14.00 to 16.00
ZELENA DVORANA, Plesna izba Maribor, Partizanska 5 /II.
Mojca Ussar
Znanje si je pridobivala na različnih seminarjih doma in v tujini, zadnja leta predvsem v New Yorku na Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater in Dance New Amsterdam (Dance Space) pri različnih znanih pedagogih, v različnih modernih in sodobnih tehnikah. Kot koreografinja je v letih 2000 – 2006 na oder postavila številne koreografije in štiri celovečerne predstave (Ž, Dance Collection, 8 Shorts , Dogodki gospe A -asistent koreografije ) s plesno skupino COMPANY 2 Plesne izbe Maribor, katere je bila tudi umetniški vodja ter celovečerno predstavo Reflections on Life v SLG Celje v produkciji Harlekina iz Celja. Leto 2007 je preživela v New Yorku, kjer je ustvarjala nove koreografije (Picture, They…) in se izobraževala na plesni šoli Dance New Amsterdam ter s sestro Astrid ustanovila plesni festival The Dance Gallery New York.
Klas zajema tehnični trening, ki bazira na modernih tehnikah, kjer je fokus na moči, fleksibilnosti, koordinaciji, uskladitvi… Veliko časa bo posvetila koreografiji, kjer bo poudarek na ravnovesju med plesom, glasbo in prostorom.
She has acquired her knowledge at different seminars at home and abroad during the last few years, mainly in New York at the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theatre and Dance New Amsterdam (Dance Space) with various known teachers in different contemporary and modern techniques. As a choreographer, she has put together numerous choreographies and all-evening shows between 2000 and 2006 (Ž, Dance Collection, 8 Shorts , Dogodki gospe A – assistant choreographer) with the COMPANY 2 dance group of Plesna izba Maribor, where she was the artistic leader, and an all-evening show entitled Reflections on Life at SLG Celje produced by Harlekin from Celje. She spent 2007 in New York, where she created new choreographies (Picture, They…) and where she has educated herself at the Dance New Amsterdam dance school and established The Dance Gallery New York dance festival with her sister Astrid.
The class includes technical training, which is based on modern techniques and focuses on strength, flexibility, coordination, harmonization… A lot of time will be devoted to choreography focused on the balance between the dance and the space.
Cena/Price: 12 eur
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