Plesna delavnica
Dance workshop
23.4. 2008 – od 10. 00 do 13.00/ from 10.00 to 13.00
24.4. 2008 – od 10. 00 do 16.00/ from 10.00 to 16.00
25.4. 2008 – od 10. 00 do 16.00/ from 10.00 to 16.00
ZELENA DVORANA, Plesna izba Maribor, Partizanska 5 /II.
Delavnica Antona Lachkyja se bo začela s tehničnim treningom in bo trajala uro in pol do dve uri, odvisno od tega, kako se bomo počutili, ter od energije udeležencev.
Delavnica bo temeljila na veščinah nastopanja.
Nastopanje v solu, v duetu ter delo v skupini.
Samostojno delo brez občinstva, ki ga bomo kasneje predstavili teoretikom ter ga uporabili kot vadbeno izkušnjo.
Vsi ste vabljeni, da se udeležite delavnice.
Workhop of Anton Lachky will start with technical class 1.30 or 2hours depending on how we feel and what the energy with people.
The workhop will be based on performing skills.
Performing solo, duets and work with group.
Working on your selfs without the public and later presenting the work to the others and useing it as a practising experience.
Everybody is very well come to join the workshop.
Anton Lachky
Rojen 1982, je začel plesati pri petih letih v folklorni skupini Maly Vtácnik. Svojo plesno izobraževanje je nadalljeval na konzervatoriju v Banski Bystrici, kjer je sodeloval tudi na Akademiji za uprizoritvene umetnosti. Nadaljeval je na Univerzi v Bratislavi in na P.A.R.T.S.- u, pod vodstvom A.Terese de Keersmeaker (Belgija). V marcu 2004 Anton je postal član Akram Khan Dance Company, s katero je gostoval po svetu dve leti. Kot koreograf je kreiral naslednje predstave: “Blue Moon”, “Water in the Mind” in “The Trip”, ki so bile premierno uprizorjene v Belgiji. Njegovo poučevanje zajema od učenja na osnovni šoli, na Slovaškem (Mimikri dance group Prievidza, Conservatory J.L.Bellu Banska Bystrica) ter drugod po svetu: Akram Khan: izmenjevalni program Birmingham, Akram Khan dance company, Theatre Sadlers Vells, South Corea dance academy, Impulz tanz festival in s skupinami v New Castlu, Oxfordu…
Born in 1982, Anton started to dance at the age of 5, in the folk dance company Maly Vtácnik. He continued his dance education at the J.L. Bellu Conservatory in Banská Bystrica, where he collaborated with friends and also participated in M.A.P.A. (Moving Academy for Performing Arts). From there he went on to train at the University of Bratislava in 2001, followed by further training at P.A.R.T.S., leaded by A.Teresa de Keersmeaker (Belgium). Anton became member of Akram Khan Company in March 2004 and followed long international tour of ''MA'', (48 countries all over the world) for two years. As a choreographer, Anton Lachky created the pieces : “Blue Moon”, “Water in the Mind” and “The Trip”, which premiered in Belgium. His teaching activities started from the classes given to children in Elementary Art school Zvolen. Later on, «Tono» continued giving classes in Slovakia (Mimikri dance group Prievidza, Conservatory J.L.Bellu Banska Bystrica) and took a part of teaching in a tour of Akram Khan :Exchange program Birmingham, Akram Khan dance company, Theatre Sadlers Vells, South Corea dance academy, Impulz tanz festival and with company in New Castle, Oxford.
Cena/Price: 30 eur
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