Kulturno društvo Plesna izba Maribor
Odrska produkcija in izobraževanje sodobnega plesa
Stage production and contemporary dance education
Partizanska 5
2000 Maribor
e-mail: plesnaizba@amis.net
telephone: 00386 (0)2 250 13 16
fax: 00386 (0)2 250 13 17
Mobile: 00386 (0)31 757 393
Kulturno društvo Plesna izba Maribor s pridobljenim statusom društva v javnem interesu in statusom vrhunskega plesnega ansambla deluje že 14. leto na področju samostojne odrske produkcije in že 21. leto nadaljuje s strokovnim programom usposabljanja v okviru celoletnega plesnega izobraževanja različnih smeri sodobnega plesa kot umetniške ustvarjalnosti.
The cultural society Plesna izba Maribor, with the status of a society in the public interest and the status of a topmost dancing ensemble, has been working in the field of independent stage production for 14 years, and has had its professional programme of qualifying within the year-long dance classes of different courses of contemporary dance as an artistic creativity for 21 years.
Predsednica KD PIM in vodja plesnih projektov/ President of KD PIM and leader of dance projects:
Mojca Kasjak
Umetniška vodja PIM/ Artistic leader of PIM:
Minka Veselič Kološa
Koordinacija in promocija/ Coordination and promotions:
Mihaela Margan
Marjetka Visinski
Oblikovanje tiskovin/ Design of printed matters:
Dejan Dolšak – ONI